Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swimming With the Sharks

Some of the students swam with the Sharks at Typhoon Lagoon. They loved it!!


  1. That was so cool i still cant belive that i did that. The water felt so nice cold but nice. But im not going to lie i was a little worried when the one came right up under me it was only a few feet away but i would do it again.

  2. that was such a great experience even though i got kind of scared when i saw them so close to me. I really enjoyed it though

  3. swimming with the sharks was really sacry to me a school of fish ran right into me and made me scream

  4. swimming with the sharks was fun i swam through a school of fish too!

  5. swimming with the sharks was alot of fun...i guess thats why i did it twice.

  6. Okay, this was probably the most awesome thing I have ever done. Except for the part that Chase was tickling my feet while he was swimming behind me and I started to laugh so hard that I started choking on salt water, which was really nasty tasting. I cannot believe that the fish and the sharks were within arm reach, it was awesome!

  7. that was pretty awesome. there was one shark that got pretty close to me and hank..kinda creepy

  8. I really enjoyed swimming with the sharks. It was a great experience. I would do it again. Even though i was scared a little. But it was still fun.
