Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Here Comes the Bus!!

Using Disney Transportation was amazing. We were able to modify the trip at any point we felt necessary because of this added bonus.


  1. the bus was so crowded and retarded,it was creepy cause everyone was rubbing up on u!!! plus i hated standing after a long day of walking blah!

  2. LOL i loved the bus rides it was balsavage and mr. smith were def. on drugs on the way to animal kingdom making animal noises.

  3. i didnt like the buses because we had to go on a crowded bus every time we went to a park

  4. The buses were nice since we could change our times and stuff for certain things, but it was awkward to be all smushed together with other people and almost falling on random people we didn't even know, lol.
    Remember the one driver we had that didn't slow down on turns??? I think I accidently like hit three people with my elbow that day hah.

  5. The bus rides on the way to the park were awesome, on the way back not so much. Especially because there were so many people shoving to get on to get back to the hotel and everyone was really tired from walking all day so the standing was hard. It was an experience though.

  6. Well, on the bus rides, you definitely got to know your neighbor on a more...personal level!

  7. The bus rides to the parks werent so bad. but on the way back to the hotel wasnt so fun. most of us were tired from walking all day and some of had to stand. so that wasnt much fun. the one bus driver tried to be funny but that didn't work out so well. Mr. Smith and Mr. Balsvage made the one bus ride pretty interestiong with their animal noises.

  8. Carrie I agree with you they were so on drugs that day. The buses weren't really that bad. It was just the whole standing part most of the time.

  9. omg those buses yeas they were so crowded i think we had the bus to ourself like one time and the other times we had to stand up and squash eachother. i think we really go to know eachother then since we were so close literally and it was hot.

  10. the bus rides were deffinetaly an expierence we got to no everyone real quick

  11. That bus was so crazy. We always had to cram in. Some of us sat on peoples laps. But that was the experience of the trip. Even though people look at us like we were crazy.

  12. i think by the end of te day we were all glade to see the bus not really wanted it to end.
